Commercial arbitration in Mexico in light of the Free Trade Agreements with North American countries


  • Eduardo Velasco Briseño Instituto de Estudios Jurídicos de Jalisco



Commercial arbitration, free trade agreement, commercial company


The purpose of this research is to succinctly analyze the evolution of commercial arbitration in Mexico based on the contributions made by the free trade agreements signed with North American countries, in addition to identifying the main benefits of this alternative mechanism to solve conflicts between commercial companies. To this end, it is planned to carry out a study of the main guidelines on the matter in the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1994 and in the United States, Canada and Mexico Free Trade Agreement of 2020; also a reflection on the links and needs between commercial society and arbitration; in addition to the internal regulation in Mexico of commercial arbitration. The above in compliance with national and international normative sources and in accordance with the doctrinal contributions of alternative means of dispute resolution.


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How to Cite

Velasco Briseño, E. (2024). Commercial arbitration in Mexico in light of the Free Trade Agreements with North American countries. Journal MSC Métodos De Solución De Conflictos. Revista Internacional De Investigación Científica Y Práctica En MSC, 4(7), 31–44.