MASCS and Constructivism. Foundation in the Aristotelian-Thomistic theory:

Act and Power from the principles.


  • José Gerardo Águila Carretero Instituto de Estudios Jurídicos de Jalisco A.C.



MASC, Principle, cause-effect, rationality, truth


Rational nature is something that characterizes the human being as a unique and distinct individual. By virtue of this rationality, human beings seek to arrive at true knowledge of the world around them, and in that search, they have implemented efficient ways to reach that knowledge. We call it a method. The love of knowledge has been called philosophy since the pre-Socratic philosopher Pythagoras. In order for knowledge to be considered knowledge, it must be justified by reason. The cause justifies the effect, and the principle is par excellence a cause. In order for knowledge to be perceived as true, it must appear to be true, that is, it must be plausible, which implies starting from a justification of what we call knowledge, and a good starting point is precisely to resort to principles as guiding criteria of reason. It is intended, with this knowledge, to apply causalism and principialism in the MASCs as an efficient method to achieve a very wise construction with fair and true results that allow a harmonious coexistence between human beings


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Author Biography

José Gerardo Águila Carretero, Instituto de Estudios Jurídicos de Jalisco A.C.

Médico Cirujano y Partero por la Universidad de Guadalajara; Gineco-obstetra por el IMSS con reconocimiento de la Universidad de Guadalajara; Subespecialidades en andrología y ecosonografía/cardiotocografía por el IMSS. Abogado por la Universidad de Guadalajara; Maestro y Doctor en Derecho por el Instituto de Altos Estudios Jurídicos de Jalisco (IDEJ). Maestro y Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG).


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How to Cite

Águila Carretero, J. G. (2024). MASCS and Constructivism. Foundation in the Aristotelian-Thomistic theory: : Act and Power from the principles. Journal MSC Métodos De Solución De Conflictos. Revista Internacional De Investigación Científica Y Práctica En MSC, 4(7), 15–30.