Conflicts in school settings

from punitive to restorative




restorative practices, conflicts, education, culture of peace


The various situations that arise in the school environment have been the subject of pedagogical reflections, however, it has not been possible to anchor a method or model from pedagogy that effectively penetrates schools to address those situations that they become conflicts, violence, aggressions, offenses. The punitive processes have not given results, hence, from the vision of justice as a natural human aspiration, restorative justice is glimpsed through various processes or restorative practices such as school mediation, school circles, school assembly allows the school community to communicate through dialogue exploring effective communication, listening to each other, creating consensus, transforming conflicts.

The restorative approach contributes to collaborative and community participation where the offenders, the victim or offended, and the school community can build communication of responsibility, respect, and trust, which promotes human beings who learn to live in community from the school. Justice strengthens the field of balancing the interests of all parties, allowing them to move towards a culture of peace.


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Author Biography

Egla Cornelio Landero, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Doctora en Métodos de Solución de Conflictos. Profesora Investigadora, adscrita a la División Académica de Ciencias sociales y Humanidades-UJAT, con reconocimiento en el Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente PRODEP. Miembro del Sistema Estatal de Investigadores. Reconocimiento del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel I-SNI, del CONAHCYT. Académica de Número de la Academia Mexicana de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Previsión Social. 0000-0003-4801-3735. e.


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How to Cite

Cornelio Landero, E. (2024). Conflicts in school settings: from punitive to restorative. Journal MSC Métodos De Solución De Conflictos. Revista Internacional De Investigación Científica Y Práctica En MSC, 4(6), 57–70.


