The Public Notary as promoter of the Culture of Peace.




Mediator, Mediation, Notary, Notarial Mediation


The history and practice of notary public in Mexico are intertwined with the earliest events following the fall of Tenochtitlan. The initial regulations in New Spain were the Laws of Castile, one of which focused on notarial practice. Under Hernán Cortés as the first authority in New Spain, notaries were the initial official witnesses, tasked with documenting actions, events, and relationships in written form. They played a crucial role in the first town council records, leading to significant recognition. In 1792, after several attempts, King Felipe V granted notaries the authorization to use a seal with royal arms and enjoy royal privileges. In 1945, in Mexico City, on December 31st, it was established that a Notary is both a public official and a legal professional, authorized to validate deeds, records, signature verifications, and documents. On October 26, 2006, the Notary Law was enacted, introducing a new role for notaries as mediators with a focus on fostering harmony and peace in conflicts between parties. The notary public is seen as a legal professional capable of navigating disputes impartially and justly while respecting citizens’ rights.


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Carral, L. (1981). Derecho Notarial y Derecho Registral. Editorial Porrúa.

Gorjón, F. (2020). La mediación como vía al bienestar y a la felicidad. Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch. Ciudad de México, p. 15

Justicia Alternativa en Jalisco.

Marco Normativo.

Gobierno de Jalisco, Poder Judicial, Instituto de Justicia Alternativa del Estado de Jalisco.

Ley del Notariado del Estado de Jalisco.

Ley del Notariado del Estado de Nayarit.

Ley del Notariado para el Estado de Puebla.

PALLARES, E. (2008) Tratado de Acciones Civiles, Edit. Porrúa.

Ruiz, A. (2007). Introducción al derecho notarial. Unidad 01. Pág. 25.



How to Cite

Acosta Malacón, F. (2024). The Public Notary as promoter of the Culture of Peace. Journal MSC Métodos De Solución De Conflictos. Revista Internacional De Investigación Científica Y Práctica En MSC, 4(7), 45–58.