The autocomposition as an advantage of family measurement in ecuadorian legislation




Mediation, Conciliation, Voluntariness, Flexibility, selfcomposition, method


The law provides for various alternative methods of conflict resolution, starting from the constitutional rules which mediation is recognized as one of these methods that are included in the Ecuadorian regulations when treating extrajudicial conciliation and mediation as synonyms, despite being flexible in its application they must follow certain procedural rules established for all matters in which by their nature it can be compromised, although people are guaranteed free access to the administration of justice and effective judicial protection of their rights it is also oriented to the use of different procedures other than jurisdictional ones to resolve disputes between people who are involved in a discussion, making it possible to resort to an extrajudicial mediation process where the parties are the ones who voluntarily make the decision to submit their conflict to a process other than the administration of justice, where the participants are the people who, with the help of a neutral third party, can discuss their points of view regarding the controversy and their legitimate aspirations.In the present work, we will analyze the advantages of carrying out an extrajudicial conciliation as a benefit that the parties have within the Ecuadorian normative framework oriented in family conflicts.


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How to Cite

Parra Vicuña, R., & Sánchez García, A. (2024). The autocomposition as an advantage of family measurement in ecuadorian legislation. Journal MSC Métodos De Solución De Conflictos. Revista Internacional De Investigación Científica Y Práctica En MSC, 4(6), 135–152.


