Significant aspects of international arbitration




Arbitration, Emergency arbitrator, Artificial Intelligence, Arbitration agreement


Among the alternative means of dispute resolution, international arbitration has caught our attention and that is why we have proceeded to identify those relevant or current aspects that could provide the reader with a general overview of what is happening around this useful mechanism. Firstly, this research made it possible to discover the variability of provisions that would be applicable particularly in the development of the arbitration procedure and the execution of the award since in each matter the following could occur: (i) rules established in international treaties and commercial agreements; (ii) the Arbitration Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce, and (iii) the domestic legislation as well as the jurisprudence of each country where the parties in controversy originate, have their headquarters or the arbitration award must be executed. Furthermore, it focuses on discovering the existence of authentic autonomy of the arbitration clause, of the arbitration instance, and of the arbitration ruling, or if it is subject to the updating of certain variables.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Ocegueda, G. J. R., & Orozco Orozco, J. Z. (2024). Significant aspects of international arbitration. Journal MSC Métodos De Solución De Conflictos. Revista Internacional De Investigación Científica Y Práctica En MSC, 4(7), 103–118.