The peaceful resolution of disputes as an imperative norm of international law in the face of the world peace crisis




peace, reparation, human rights, ius cogens, erga omnes


The research object of this work is to analyze the concept, evolution and characteristics of the peremptory norms of International Law or also called Ius cogens in order to determine if the peaceful resolution of disputes can be part of them. Likewise, it seeks to study the application of these norms by States and international bodies in the search to establish higher-ranking obligations that ensure international peace and security. The thesis that is maintained is that the peaceful settlement of disputes is part of the jus cogens norms, which have been opaque in their recognition and application by the international community, which has caused ineffectiveness and ineffectiveness in the search for peace, in the eradication of acts of aggression and genocide, and in the protection of human rights that ensure the elimination of slavery and racial discrimination. The investigation is carried out through a doctrinal review and international normative sources, in addition to the jurisprudential criteria on the matter by the International Court of Justice and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.


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Author Biography

José Guillermo García Murillo, University of Guadalajara

Abogado por la Universidad de Guadalajara; Maestro en Derecho por la
UNAM, Doctor en Derecho por la UNAM; Mediador Certificado por el IJA; Arbitro
Independiente; Director del Instituto de Estudios Jurídicos de Jalisco; Profesor
Investigador de la Universidad de Guadalajara; Miembro Fundador del Claustro de
Doctores de la Facultad de Derecho de la UNAM; además egresado de la Universidad
Nacional de Defensa del Centro de Estudios de Seguridad Hemisférica en la
Especialidad Implicaciones Hemisféricas de los Derechos Humanos. Premio en



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How to Cite

Aceves García, C. A., & García Murillo, J. G. (2024). The peaceful resolution of disputes as an imperative norm of international law in the face of the world peace crisis. Journal MSC Métodos De Solución De Conflictos. Revista Internacional De Investigación Científica Y Práctica En MSC, 4(7), 119–132.