Psychological and Social Factors Necessary to Develop a Restorative Juvenile Justice Program in Santa Marta according to the opinions of public officials

Restorative Justice Program in Santa Marta according to the opinions of officials




Restaurative Justice, Alternative justice, criminal system


This research aims to identify the psychosocial factors and key actors to develop a Restorative Justice program that accompanies victims and offenders linked to crime in Santa Marta. This is due to worldwide policies that promote the Restorative Justice model as a humanized alternative that reduces recidivism and favors psychosocial change in those involved, which is why it is considered that it can be a contribution to peaceful coexistence in Santa Martha.

This alternative model of justice and resolution of human conflicts is compatible with traditional retributive justice. It benefits in the first instance the victims, also those who committed the crime and especially the community that surrounds them, which can be impacted by the fear of crime and is eager for mechanisms that promote pacification.

A mixed methodology is proposed to identify the factors that make it possible to generate a local  restorative juvenile justice program. As a mixed result, the interest and willingness of all state officials was identified, who have approached restorative practices with training; however, they confirm that it is not yet customary to hold victim-offender restorative meetings, they do not have facilities to do so, although They report being willing to promote restorative justice processes, they consider that external entities are required to manage the program and have specialists, facilities and time to develop them. There is some confusion between restorative justice, conciliation and informal victim-free practices, which can hinder the execution of suitable programs.


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Author Biographies

Angela Cristina Tapias Saldaña, Sergio Arboleda University

Expert advisor in Legal and Forensic Psychology with experience in judicial organizations, academic institutions and professional associations. Founder of the Master's Degree in Legal Psychology Universidad Santo Tomás Bogotá 2007. Expert in Forensic Psychology for more than 15 years. University professor for 15 years, invited as a speaker in 10 Latin American countries in which she has given more than 100 conferences. Co-author of 5 books and more than 30 scientific articles and book chapters. Scientific director of the website and of the Latin American Congress of Legal and Forensic Psychology that brings together 7,000 cyber attendees. Currently professor of psychology at U. Sergio Arboleda, Santa Marta campus.

Aura Consuelo Gonzalez Varela, Sergio Arboleda University

Forensic Psychologist, Criminologist and Victimologist, she has worked as a forensic expert in the last 10 years, in the legal field and actions that are specific to legal psychology, Professor and legal practice advisor at the U. Sergio Arboleda Santa Marta headquarters.


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How to Cite

Tapias Saldaña, A. C., Rodríguez-Viviel, S. L., & Gonzalez Varela, A. C. (2025). Psychological and Social Factors Necessary to Develop a Restorative Juvenile Justice Program in Santa Marta according to the opinions of public officials: Restorative Justice Program in Santa Marta according to the opinions of officials. Journal MSC Métodos De Solución De Conflictos. Revista Internacional De Investigación Científica Y Práctica En MSC, 5(8), 87–114.

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